Image of Gambaran Perubahan Warna Gigi Diskolorasi Kopi Menggunakan Jus Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) Berdasarkan Perbedaan Waktu Perendaman


Gambaran Perubahan Warna Gigi Diskolorasi Kopi Menggunakan Jus Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) Berdasarkan Perbedaan Waktu Perendaman

Dental aesthetics is an important aspect to consider in social interactions. Not only about the neatness, the color of the teeth is also an important factor in self-confidence. Tooth discoloration is one of the problems regarding the aesthetics of the tooth. There are many potential that causes the change of the tooth color, one of which is by consuming coffee. Semi-permanent tooth discoloration can be reversible after bleaching process. Alternative materials for bleaching that can be used are natural ingredients, one of which is Averrhoa bilimbi L., it contains ascorbic acid and oxalic acid which can brighten the color of the teeth. The method of this research is descriptive to see the description of the colour change on coffee discolorated teeth after the immersion in starfruit juice with differences in contact time. The number of samples in the study were 20 permanent upper premolar teeth divided into 4 groups, 3 groups of starfruit juice immersion with differences in contact time, and 1 control group. The differences in immersion time were 20, 40, and 60 minutes. The research was carried out by observing the color after discoloration by coffee, then immersing it in starfruit juice with time variations, and observing the color again, then compared to the positive control group using 10% of hydrogen peroxide. The data was processed and presented using Microsoft Excel in the form of tables and figures. The results shows that there is a change in tooth color after immersion in the starfruit juice, and immersion at 60 minutes shows the highest degree of color change.
Key words: tooth discoloration, Averrhoa bilimbi L.


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